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Walbottle Village Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Thursday 10th October - World Mental Health Day

    Thu 03 Oct 2024

    Thursday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. We would like to invite your child to come dressed in yellow with thousands of others across the UK and raise money to show young people that they’re not alone with their mental health. 

    Because we stand brighter, together.  

    Please use the link below if you can make a donation.



    Tue 01 Oct 2024

    Your child’s annual flu vaccination will be due this term.

    This vaccination programme is in place to help protect your child against flu. The vaccine will help prevent them catching the flu. Vaccinating your child will also help protect vulnerable friends and family by reducing the spread of flu. 

    The intra-nasal flu vaccine is the most effective protection for your child against flu.

    A flu vaccine can be given as an injection in the upper arm if you do not want your child to receive a vaccine containing porcine gelatin. We can give the injection in school to all those children in Year 7 and above. Children from Reception age to Year 6 will be offered a clinic appointment at one of our community clinics.

    The online consent can be accessed via any online device. Please click on the following link


    Consent submissions will close 48 working hours before the school session date. You can call to complete a consent after that but may have to attend a clinic instead.

    If you decide you do not want your child to receive the flu vaccination, please complete a non-consent, this is the same form but you chose NO you do not consent to your child receiving the Flu nasal spray or Flu injection.


    The school code is: NB144559

  • Allergy Info Update

    Mon 30 Sep 2024

    At Walbottle Village Primary School, we want to make sure our pupils with allergies feel safe at school. So, we’re asking everyone in our school community to do their bit to become allergen aware.

    Please take a look at the enclosed factsheet & letter to find out more about allergies.



  • Parent Consultations available to book now!

    Mon 30 Sep 2024

    Parent Consultations available to book now!

    Parent consultations will take place after school on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th October.

    Please contact the school office to make an appointment to see you child’s class teacher and to hear how they have settled in to their new class.

    If your child has an SEN Review they do not require a parent consultation.

  • EYFS Donation Request!

    Wed 25 Sep 2024

    To our wonderful families/local community,


    We are looking to refresh our Early Years resources. Do we dare to mention Christmas?! However, if you're having a clear-out in the coming months and have any toys or bits and bobs in good condition that your little ones have outgrown, we would be incredibly grateful if you'd consider donating them to our Early Years unit. Your generosity would help us create an even more enriching environment for our children.


    We are currently on the look out for the following…


    Toy cars - including emergency vehicles, construction vehicles etc.

    Toy animals - farm, jungle, sea life, mini beasts etc.

    Dolls - babies, smaller dollhouse dolls

    Small dollhouses/furniture, small people/village toys

    Pretend play food, pots and pans or utensils.

    Any pretend/role play toys/dress up- shops, doctors, emergency services, hand puppets etc.

    Any space themed toys - rockets, astronauts, solar system etc.

    Any old metal pots, pans, trays, utensils to use in our mud kitchen.

    Any bags of compost, small gardening tools, plastic plant pots, offcuts of artificial turf, unopened seeds.

    Any unwanted craft supplies - pom-poms, sequins, glitter, collage materials, card etc.

    Loose parts/natural resources - pinecones, conkers, shells, large pebbles, buttons etc.

    Picture books

    Complete jigsaws suitable for 3-5 years old.



    If there is anything we haven’t mentioned that you think we may be interested in then please send a photo to our school email address ( or ask a member of the early years team when you see us! 


    Thank you so much for your support!

    The EYFS team 😊

  • School Photographs

    Mon 23 Sep 2024

    Individual School Photographs will be taken on Wednesday 23rd October.

    Please note, if your child is in Year 4 or Year 5 they will need to come to school in their uniform then change into their PE kit after their photograph has been taken.

  • Harvest Collection

    Fri 20 Sep 2024

    Harvest Collection

    We will be starting to collect items for our Harvest Parcels from this Monday 23rd Sept up until Tuesday 1st October. Any donations would be gratefully appreciated.

    Reverend Coulthard will be delivering a Harvest Assembly for the children on the 2nd October

  • 3rd October - America Themed Lunch

    Wed 18 Sep 2024

    On 3rd October, we will be having an American themed lunch and children are welcome to attend school in Non-Uniform! We encourage Stars, Stripes, Red, White & Blue. There will be a variety of tasty treats on offer. If your child usually has a packed lunch and would like a lunch on this day, please send £2.20 labelled with your child’s name and American lunch into the school office or if entitled to free school meals, email the school office to put your name down. (You only need to do this if your child usually has a packed lunch.)

  • Paperless Communication

    Tue 17 Sep 2024

    Paperless Communication -

    We are looking to cut down on some of our paper use. Therefore could you please ensure we have the correct email address on file for you (Data Collection Sheets have recently been sent out - please ensure the up to date email is returned on this.)

    Going forward -

    -Direct correspondence - emailed to you directly rather than posted.

    -Newsletters will be posted on our website fortnightly

    If you are unable to access the internet or do not have access to an email address, please let us know so we can arrange a paper copy for you.

    We will not be going fully paperless so you will continue to receive some paper letters.

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • Upcoming Open Session

    Tue 17 Sep 2024

    Upcoming Open Session - 

    Looking at schools for your child? Come along to one of our open sessions! This is a great opportunity for parents and carers to take a look at our school setting,

    especially as so many of you will be looking for Nursery and Reception places for 2025. Becoming part of our school community is hopefully one of the most rewarding and

    important decisions you are likely to make!

    Our upcoming open sessions are -

    Wednesday 23rd October 2024 - drop in between 3.30pm - 5.00pm 

    Please give us a call or send us an email if you plan on attending.

    We currently have spaces for the current academic year and are also accepting applications for future nursery intake!

    0191 267 5320 -