Parent Representatives Trust Board
Valour Multi Academy Trust is looking for parent representatives on the Trust Board. The trustees meet once a term to discuss finance, school improvements and monitor the success of Walbottle Village Primary School and Beech Hill Primary School.
We are particularly interested in parents who could bring business, finance, growth or community skills to the trust board. New trustees will receive induction from the CEO Dame Nicola Stephenson and will feel part of the team in no time at all.
If you would like to discuss the voluntary role or put your name forward please send an email with a paragraph describing your skill set to or call 0191 2678113 to speak to Dame Stephenson. Remember raising children and running a household is a skill set so don’t hide your light under a bushel, we would love to hear from you.
If you could express an interest in the role by Friday 1st July we can hold elections before the summer holidays.
Kindest regards
Dame Stephenson CEO