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Walbottle Village Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

New Guidance 28/02

28th February 2022


Dear Families,

                        Welcome back. I hope you all had a nice half term break and welcomed the further easing of restrictions in relation to Covid 19.

      I am sure that you will be aware that there is no longer a need for asymptomatic lateral flow testing. However, we still ask that staff members and pupils have a PCR test if they are displaying any of the three main Covid symptoms ( a high temperature, a new and persistent cough, a change to or loss of taste and smell).

     If your child tests positive for Covid 19 we ask that they stay off school and follow the existing advice around isolation periods and testing to release (you can find this on the Gov.Uk website or ring the school office for advice). This is in line with Public Health advice to schools. We will also be asking that staff members remain at home if they test positive. This is to prevent unnecessary spread of the virus through our school community.

    Whilst we are removing the need to wear masks in and around the school site, we will continue to follow our existing protocols around good hand and respiratory hygiene, ventilation and cleaning.

    Should your child become unwell and you require any guidance or advice, please do not hesitate to contact the school office or your child’s class teacher via Dojo.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Oliver