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Walbottle Village Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Flu Immunisation

Your child’s annual flu vaccination is due soon.

This vaccination programme is in place to help protect your child against flu. The vaccine will help prevent them catching the flu. Vaccinating your child will also help protect vulnerable friends and family by reducing the spread of flu.

The intra-nasal flu vaccine is the most effective protection for your child against flu.
The online consent can be accessed via any online device. Please click on the following link which will direct you to an online consent form for you to complete using the following school code NB144559

If you decide you do not want your child to receive the flu vaccination, please complete a non consent form.

If you have any queries regarding the online consent form or the Flu vaccine please contact the Northumbria Healthcare School Aged Immunisation Service.

Northumbria Healthcare School Aged Immunisation Service.
0191 2828977
0191 2828978
0191 2828979