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Walbottle Village Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Christmas Dates

-6th December - Non-Uniform in exchange of a bottle for the bottle tombola 

-10th December - Year 3/4 Christmas Party (This is a date change) 

-13th December - 1pm Christmas Fayre 

-16th December - KS1 Christmas Party 

-16th December - 10am Year 3/4 Carol Service at Blucher 

-16th December - Movie Afternoon with Hot Chocolate

-17th December - EY Christmas Party 

-17th December - 2.30pm Year 5/6 Performance 

-18th December - 9.15am Nursery & Reception Performance 

-18th December - Christmas Lunch 

-19th December - 9.15am - Year 1/2 Performance 

-19th December - Year 5/6 Christmas Party 

-20th December - School Closes at 1.30pm to children for the Christmas Holiday